Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Feed Me

The new adventure starting baby food is, well, an adventure!  My sister-in-law gave us a bunch of baby food (thanks Heather) so Alex is all set for a while.  The resounding advice we got was, start with the veggies, well, duh :).  You give the kids the sweet yummy things, why would she want to go back to less tasty but oh so good for you veggies?
She's not sure she likes the peas

What are you looking at?

We started with what I thought would be the least popular, and in my personal opinion the least tasty.....peas.  We tried straight up peas the first time and we got the stink face.  I think it was part taste and part texture.  Once I mixed 1/2 rice cereal and 1/2 peas, she hoovered that bowl like it was an ice cream sundae.   Feeding Alex is a bit like feeding an angry animal.  It involves lots of grunting, whining, and crying if the food does not come fast enough.  Oh boy, she is her mother's daughter (usually minus the grunting).  She has my appetite though, and right now it's a bit like a sieve. You put food in and it doesn't seem to be enough.  I have no idea how much a 6 month old should be eating when it comes to food, but she'll easily take a bowl of rice cereal and a jar of baby food in 1 sitting, only a couple hours after having a full bottle.

She's doing a really good job keeping it all in despite her tendency to keep her tongue by the roof of her mouth.  She'll eat at the speed you feed her, but her preference tends to be fast.  The faster the better.  If you leave minimal time to swallow, she's just fine with that.  She really is a good eater, and has taken to peas with gusto.  I love my veggies, but peas are one of the few things that I will pass one, so I'm happy her taste buds don't seem to be all that picky at this point.

There's a smile :)

The biggest problem feeding her, besides not feeding her fast enough, is my lack of limbs to feed her.  She loves her fingers and is constantly putting fingers, hands, and toes in her mouth while we try to feed her.  I wish I had an extra hand or two to try to keep them out of the way.  She doesn't realize that food will come faster if your hands aren't in the way.  At the end of a feeding it usually looks like I tried to give her a bath in baby food, so a good cleaning is usually needed, which is fine with me, but Alex hates it!  She screams when I take a wet paper towel to her face, hair, hands, arms, legs etc to get the left over peas, beans or rice cereal that has taken residence in any little crevice it can find :).

I know eventually we'll start the bananas, pears and yummy things, but hopefully by then she'll be well established with the vegetables that she'll eat both.  Well, we can hope right?

1 comment:

  1. yay! let the fun begin! i always started with veggies too. jack was a sweet potato fan, but they really do a number on dylan's tummy. so, she gets more greens and squash. don't worry, she'll better about her limbs. dylan would go straight into the tub, getting a bath like 2x a day! before you know it, she'll just need a wipe of the mouth, and then you'll be sad that your baby is getting so big! both my kids did fine with going between fruits and veggies. i seemed to do oatmeal and fruit in the a.m. and rice and veggies in the p.m. you'll figure it out :)
