Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Keep on Truckin

I am continually amazed by the leaps and bounds of development.  I know they say you learn more in your first couple of years then in the next 10, but the rate of growth is always a bit shocking. I know Alex growing up will continue to go by super fast.  Every time she's another month old, I can only shake my head and ask, "where did the time go?"  It'll probably be like that all her life.  I love each new stage that she enters into.  Seeing her experience things for the first time is so much fun and makes me proud as her mama. 
Helping with the laundry
 The funny thing about Alex is she's a watcher.  Always has been.  I think most of the time she'd rather sit and take it all in, then do something about it.  In terms of her milestones, she's usually pretty on, but she tends to be at the later end of things.  She started to roll at 3 months, but didn't start to roll both ways until almost 6.  She doesn't seem to do things half way.  Learn at bit here, do a bit there.  With her it's all or nothing it seems.

It's like she's saying, eh, why bother rolling when I'm just fine sitting here watching you.  Now she's starting to scooch and maybe crawl, but I'm not sure.  She seems to do fine rolling on the floor and pushing herself up when she wants things.  I put her on her belly and she puts her legs in the splits and pushes herself up to sitting.  She's content sitting for right now, and doesn't seem to want to crawl.  I'm not complaining as I like having a less mobile child, because when she starts moving I know they don't stop!  I think she'll be one of those kids that goes from sitting to walking.  Or when she finally decides to move it'll be an avalanche of firsts.

Life is hard!

Either way, experiencing the world through Alex is a much different perspective that I would have thought but a fun one.  Every time she learns something we learn right along with her.  We're trying to stay a step ahead of her while we're still able to, cause who knows when she'll move on to the next thing!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Not only did I survive my first vacation since having Alex, I actually ENJOYED it and relaxed and didn't feel too guilty.  There was a lot of guilt up front, me thinking, will she be mad that we left her for a week, will she be ok with her grandparents, how will she adjust etc etc.  Obviously like I figured, she did just fine, and suprisingly I did too. 

The view from our Hotel room
Sometimes technology is daunting and there's so much of it out there, but one wonderful invention is Skype!  I realize it's probably been around a long time, but I've never really had a reason to use it as my immediate family is all within a couple of hours.  Well, we got to Skype with Alex while we were in Aruba which was fantastic.  I know she can't talk, and gets really confused by the computer (I hear my parents voices but they're not behind me) but there's something wonderfully reassuring about seeing your baby even if she's 2,000 miles away.

Enjoying dinner on the beach the 1st night
 After almost tearing up during that session, I think I allowed myself to relax more after that and enjoy the beautiful island.  Everyone keeps asking, what did you do?  Well, it involved 4 things, sitting on the beach and reading, swimming in the ocean, eating, and sleeping.  That was it.  It was 4 1/2 days of just that, nothing more, nothing less and I could not have been happier.  It's always mid 80's with a constant breeze which makes it just comfortable.  Of course we ate a lot of AMAZING food and enjoyed just being adults.  Of course there were fruity tropical drinks, those were a must, and lots and lots of time spend under one of those awesome Palapas, aka, the mini huts.

Our Palapa

Enjoying the clear wonderful water

Although I felt a bit guilty leaving her for so long, we've now come back refreshed and wonderfully rested.  And I have to point out that parents and in-laws are the best for taking her.  I don't know if they'll take another baby for more than a day the next time, but we do appreciate the challenge of taking on 6 1/2 month old for a few days straight.  It's tiring and we love them for giving us this break!  Now to enjoy the last few weeks until Mark starts his new job and Alex and I are back to mommy and me.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Summer is always a bit of a blur, but even more so now that we have Alex.  It seems like we go from one activity to the next and we have a never ending stream of things going on.  Which is both good and bad.  It's good, because it doesn't allow you to get bored.  It's bad because you don't have time to just veg a little and have some down time.

She does love to swing

Mark finally has some time off and we haven't had a lot of time to enjoy it until now!  The past 2 weeks have been him studying for boards, of course 4th of July weekend, then a few days at the cabin.  I know it sounds relaxing, and it's fun, but not necessarily relaxing, if that makes sense.

Papa I'm DONE

My messy little child
Sometimes I wonder if we are too busy.  I think despite all the activity we've done a pretty good job at keeping Alex's schedule pretty routine.  We are those parents that are a little bit anal (me more than my husband).  I like a schedule and I think that at 6 months, Alex following one is better for her too.  We work trips, activities, going out around her naps, eating, and sleeping schedule.  I'm sure some parents are more go with the flow, but that's just not how I roll.  I don't think we're rigid and inflexible,  but I do make sure that most days/nights, we follow our routine.  In return we get a well rested, happy fun baby.

I think it's the right answer because the days that are really wonky and she doesn't get good naps she's a bit cranky.  She goes with the flow pretty well, but she is her mother's daughter in that she needs her food and her sleep!  However, life will get a WHOLE lot slower in a few days when Mark and I go to Aruba on a vacation without Alex.  Oy!  I'm excited for the relaxation, the beach, and the time to reconnect with my husband.  I will fully admit leaving my 6 month old for 6 days is a little scary and nerve wracking, despite her being in good hands.  No matter how much I trust my parents and in-laws, they're not us, so I worry a bit.  Will she miss us?  I have no clue.  She'll be fine and I'm sure have a blast getting oodles of attention from her grandparents, because that's what they do, right?
Playing with Nanna's Straw

After we get back hopefully life will slow down for a bit.  It's hard to take to to smell the roses when they're whipping by you at 80 mph.  I'm just trying to enjoy each day I have with my precious baby and my husband before real life starts again in August.  Until then, here's to stopping to smell the flowers.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Worst. Mom. Ever.

I didn't know if I was going to blog about this but I thought, this is an open forum to share the good AND bad things about being a mom.  What if people judge me?  Well, that's ok, we all judge each other, and if someone thinks I'm bad mom, that's their opinion.  I realize that I will never be a perfect mom and I'm ok with that.  I feel like my main duty is life is to protect Alex and make sure she's happy and healthy and everything beyond that will come or not.  I know along the way there will be good times and bad, but this time I felt the the worst mom ever.  Even though this is the first time, and I know it won't be the last, it makes you feel awful.

Poor Baby :(

To start the story we got a video monitor because our little peanut is a mover and a shaker.  She kept on waking up in the middle of the night getting stuck in precarious positions, but that's for another time.  Both Mark and I were in her room and he was installing the monitor while I was changing her.  When he got it installed he called me over to see if the positioning of it was good.  I left Alex on the changing table to look at the monitor real quick.  I was about a foot and half away and it took maybe 10 seconds.  I look back and she's falling head first, end over end off a 4 foot dresser, landing on her back and sounding like a bowling ball
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All I can say is sheer panic ran through me when I heard the THUD and then the resulting screaming from our baby.  I quickly picked her up and started crying and thankfully Mark scooped her up, took her to our bedroom to soothe and then look over her.  I sat on her floor sobbing for a min.  Then I went in the other room, saw that she was ok and continued to cry even harder!  Then my loving husband had a crying baby and a crying wife to try and calm down.  Obviously the thoughts that ran through my head were, what if she had fallen on her head, what if she had broken her neck, what if, what if?  I know she didn't, but it scares me that in mere seconds with me close to my child, accidents happen, but sometimes those accidents turn serious or worse.

Had to add a happy one after all the tears :)

Will this make me a little more careful with my child, Definitely! Will it make me overly paranoid, hopefully not!  It taught me a valuable lesson with nothing more than a bump and a scare and I'm thankful for that.  I think that the blood pressure spike is enough for me to remember this for a long while.  And although I realize I am not the worst mom ever, that is how I felt at that moment and for a lingering time after that.  All I can say is no more unattended time on the changing table or any other potential high places :)