Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Daylight savings

Wow, I have been sucking at blogging lately.  I started blogging to have a good outlet being a Stay at Home Mom, but am I still technically a SAHM if I work part time?  Who knows.  In any case, I feel like I've been so busy and always running around and don't have time to sit and lay down my thoughts.  Wait, that's not true.  I have had time, but that time is usually spent what little time I have with my husband at night, or honestly, me being so tired that I just veg or read.  Which let's face it, makes a really boring blog.  Put the baby to bed, and hey, read for a bit, watched some TV and passed out.  Oh the life I live :)

She loves her Noah's Ark!

One thing is for sure.  Daylight savings week SUUUUUCKED!  I used to love turning back the clock.  More light in the morning, an extra hour of sleep, who wouldn't like that?  This year it became, holy crap, my seriously regimented and scheduled baby is now off her schedule.  Let the games begin.  Obviously babies are not made for daylight savings.  After all, trying to explaining to a 10 month old she should be sleeping an hour later is like speaking Chinese to your dog and expecting a response.  Nope!  And to add icing to this already awesome cake, she was either going through a growth spurt or teething because I had one cranky super dramatic baby for almost the ENTIRE week.  Not a day or two, but 6, 6 loooong days and nights.

Another fun pastime is pulling DVDs off the shelf, fun stuff

It started with Alex, every morning, getting up between 3:30 - 5:00 am and screaming from 45 min to an hour depending on how she was feeling.  Compounded by non-napping or really short mini naps led to an exhausted and stressed out mama and baby.  Going from a wonderfully happy, independent child, to a screaming, needy, non-sleeping baby led to such a long week.  I joked with Mark at one point that I thought our child may have in fact been possessed.  There is no proof to either corroborate or deny that claim :).  Add to that fact that I gave my team the week off to rest before we start our competition season, so there was no outlet for my frustrations or stress.  Honestly, I never realized how much coaching is a great outlet as I get to yell and order teenage girls around and release some pent up aggression.  I do really enjoy my job most days.

My Happy girl is back :)

Needless to say I was looking forward to a new week.  Last week, Alex slept until 6:30, and was my usual happy, independent child.  I hugged her so hard because I had missed that baby.  She ended up drooling on me, giggling, then pushing me away to go stalk the puppy.  I know how lucky am I to have such a good baby that is usually an awesome sleeper.  But I appreciate it even more after daylight savings.  One thing is for certain, it made it clear to me that I am NOT ready for another baby and sleepless nights quite yet.  I am really enjoying sleeping through the night :).

Monday, November 14, 2011

Halloween fun - waaay late :P

Alex was a trooper for her first Halloween.  We decided since she's only 10 months old, that taking her trick or treating would involve me lugging around a very squirmy baby that has no interest in candy...yet.  The kid hasn't had so much as a cookie yet, and I'm ok with that.  We had a few people ask us if they could give her candy.  I politely said no, as she only has 2 teeth fully in and is still a baby, well kind of.

When picking out her costume, of course Mark and I went back and forth.  It was quite funny, but we both knew in the end she's end up being some cute bug or furry animal.  Mark wanted her to be a ninja :).  When she's older that will probably be cute.  I didn't want the fully body costume for her, since she'd most likely try to take it off the entire time, and I also didn't want to spend a lot of money since let's face it, I thought she was only going to wear it for 5 min.  Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Once Upon a Child.  I have no idea why I don't shop there more.  Seriously.  We got her costume for $6.  It was warm enough to be outside, but no so constricting that she could still crawl around and be happy.
Happy little lady bug
 I was actually super surpised but she sat outside with me and a hour and a half handing out candy.  Impressive!  She was fascinated by people's costumes and when she wasn't trying to eat candy wrappers she was waving buh-bye (something she's just starting to do) and helping me hand out candy.  I had so much fun handing out candy with her, and between kids, she crawled on the lawn or played with leaves, oh leaves.

I love this picture so much :)

Next year will be interesting when she's older and walking and talking, I'm not sure how much trick or treating you do with an almost 2 year old.  Probably as much as she can handle :).  At least we can go to a few houses and she can help me pass out more candy.  She's now a seasoned pro!