Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Keep on Truckin

I am continually amazed by the leaps and bounds of development.  I know they say you learn more in your first couple of years then in the next 10, but the rate of growth is always a bit shocking. I know Alex growing up will continue to go by super fast.  Every time she's another month old, I can only shake my head and ask, "where did the time go?"  It'll probably be like that all her life.  I love each new stage that she enters into.  Seeing her experience things for the first time is so much fun and makes me proud as her mama. 
Helping with the laundry
 The funny thing about Alex is she's a watcher.  Always has been.  I think most of the time she'd rather sit and take it all in, then do something about it.  In terms of her milestones, she's usually pretty on, but she tends to be at the later end of things.  She started to roll at 3 months, but didn't start to roll both ways until almost 6.  She doesn't seem to do things half way.  Learn at bit here, do a bit there.  With her it's all or nothing it seems.

It's like she's saying, eh, why bother rolling when I'm just fine sitting here watching you.  Now she's starting to scooch and maybe crawl, but I'm not sure.  She seems to do fine rolling on the floor and pushing herself up when she wants things.  I put her on her belly and she puts her legs in the splits and pushes herself up to sitting.  She's content sitting for right now, and doesn't seem to want to crawl.  I'm not complaining as I like having a less mobile child, because when she starts moving I know they don't stop!  I think she'll be one of those kids that goes from sitting to walking.  Or when she finally decides to move it'll be an avalanche of firsts.

Life is hard!

Either way, experiencing the world through Alex is a much different perspective that I would have thought but a fun one.  Every time she learns something we learn right along with her.  We're trying to stay a step ahead of her while we're still able to, cause who knows when she'll move on to the next thing!

1 comment:

  1. Good post! Alex is adorable, as always :) Both of my kiddos didn't crawl until around 9 months and then they both were walking at 10 months! I do miss the stage when you can set them down and they stay pretty much in the same spot, or at least can't go anywhere quickly :) Cherish this time, she'll be walking before you can blink!
