Monday, July 11, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Summer is always a bit of a blur, but even more so now that we have Alex.  It seems like we go from one activity to the next and we have a never ending stream of things going on.  Which is both good and bad.  It's good, because it doesn't allow you to get bored.  It's bad because you don't have time to just veg a little and have some down time.

She does love to swing

Mark finally has some time off and we haven't had a lot of time to enjoy it until now!  The past 2 weeks have been him studying for boards, of course 4th of July weekend, then a few days at the cabin.  I know it sounds relaxing, and it's fun, but not necessarily relaxing, if that makes sense.

Papa I'm DONE

My messy little child
Sometimes I wonder if we are too busy.  I think despite all the activity we've done a pretty good job at keeping Alex's schedule pretty routine.  We are those parents that are a little bit anal (me more than my husband).  I like a schedule and I think that at 6 months, Alex following one is better for her too.  We work trips, activities, going out around her naps, eating, and sleeping schedule.  I'm sure some parents are more go with the flow, but that's just not how I roll.  I don't think we're rigid and inflexible,  but I do make sure that most days/nights, we follow our routine.  In return we get a well rested, happy fun baby.

I think it's the right answer because the days that are really wonky and she doesn't get good naps she's a bit cranky.  She goes with the flow pretty well, but she is her mother's daughter in that she needs her food and her sleep!  However, life will get a WHOLE lot slower in a few days when Mark and I go to Aruba on a vacation without Alex.  Oy!  I'm excited for the relaxation, the beach, and the time to reconnect with my husband.  I will fully admit leaving my 6 month old for 6 days is a little scary and nerve wracking, despite her being in good hands.  No matter how much I trust my parents and in-laws, they're not us, so I worry a bit.  Will she miss us?  I have no clue.  She'll be fine and I'm sure have a blast getting oodles of attention from her grandparents, because that's what they do, right?
Playing with Nanna's Straw

After we get back hopefully life will slow down for a bit.  It's hard to take to to smell the roses when they're whipping by you at 80 mph.  I'm just trying to enjoy each day I have with my precious baby and my husband before real life starts again in August.  Until then, here's to stopping to smell the flowers.

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