Thursday, July 21, 2011


Not only did I survive my first vacation since having Alex, I actually ENJOYED it and relaxed and didn't feel too guilty.  There was a lot of guilt up front, me thinking, will she be mad that we left her for a week, will she be ok with her grandparents, how will she adjust etc etc.  Obviously like I figured, she did just fine, and suprisingly I did too. 

The view from our Hotel room
Sometimes technology is daunting and there's so much of it out there, but one wonderful invention is Skype!  I realize it's probably been around a long time, but I've never really had a reason to use it as my immediate family is all within a couple of hours.  Well, we got to Skype with Alex while we were in Aruba which was fantastic.  I know she can't talk, and gets really confused by the computer (I hear my parents voices but they're not behind me) but there's something wonderfully reassuring about seeing your baby even if she's 2,000 miles away.

Enjoying dinner on the beach the 1st night
 After almost tearing up during that session, I think I allowed myself to relax more after that and enjoy the beautiful island.  Everyone keeps asking, what did you do?  Well, it involved 4 things, sitting on the beach and reading, swimming in the ocean, eating, and sleeping.  That was it.  It was 4 1/2 days of just that, nothing more, nothing less and I could not have been happier.  It's always mid 80's with a constant breeze which makes it just comfortable.  Of course we ate a lot of AMAZING food and enjoyed just being adults.  Of course there were fruity tropical drinks, those were a must, and lots and lots of time spend under one of those awesome Palapas, aka, the mini huts.

Our Palapa

Enjoying the clear wonderful water

Although I felt a bit guilty leaving her for so long, we've now come back refreshed and wonderfully rested.  And I have to point out that parents and in-laws are the best for taking her.  I don't know if they'll take another baby for more than a day the next time, but we do appreciate the challenge of taking on 6 1/2 month old for a few days straight.  It's tiring and we love them for giving us this break!  Now to enjoy the last few weeks until Mark starts his new job and Alex and I are back to mommy and me.

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