Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cabin Fever in June??

Ok, I am OVER this heat. Yeah, I'm whiney and complaining, but this is my right :).  First of all, having the kid born at Christmas meant 3 months of being stuck inside with below freezing temps.  This was an especially frigid winter and sadly with a new baby, we couldn't go anywhere.  It was a long and lonely winter, but we survived and it started getting nicer, or did it?  Somehow we went from snow to heat wave with nothing in between, seriously, nothing.  I remember April 19th we had snow, and 2 days later is was 85 degrees.  Seriously, what is going on?  The Apocalypse maybe, global warning, who knows, but whatever it is, I don't like it.

Alex not sure she likes the grass, but she hasn't been in it much

I will fully admit I love the cold, which is probably good since we live in Wisconsin.  I do not especially love snow, unless it's around Christmas, but I love cold weather.  I sleep with the window open in winter, I don't need a million layers to go outside, I'm naturally a warm blooded person.  I apparently have good circulation, because I'm not one of those people that gets freezing hands or feet in winter.  I stay pretty toasty.  Which does not make me the best hot weather person.  Alex, takes after me in more ways that some, and this is one of them.

Fascinated by grass
 Alex is a warm blooded creature.  I swear she's always running 3 degrees warmer than normal people.  She gets flushed easily and doesn't seem to mind being in cold places.  Needless to say this record setting heat is not my idea of an enjoyable time.  We've been pretty much home bound which kind of stinks.  It's too hot to go for walks or go to the park (and she's too little to do anything but watch right now anyway).  I've even been cautious to go places because the car ends up getting 120 degrees baking in the sun, and even with AC, it's not super comfortable.  We have braved the Y a couple of times so I can workout a bit, but that's about it. 

It's becoming increasing difficult being homebound since Alex is getting bigger and more curious.  It's an awesome stage, but one that's not super mobile yet.  She's in this weird limbo between baby and toddler-ish abilities.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not in any hurry for her to grow up any faster than she is, which is warp speed if you ask me.  She's curious, sitting up by herself, and eating rice cereal with a spoon.  I feel like I should be exposing her to new things and she LOVES being outside.  She stares up at the trees and tracks the sounds of birds and other creatures.  She loves being in a new environment, even though we haven't gotten to get out much.  If the weather keeps this up, I'm going to be very angry.  I love being outside and am sad my daughter is missing Spring.  The cool breezes, the crisp smell of flowers, and the feel of the sun without sweating like a hog. 

Look how big I am
Do I have something on my face?
I know beggars can't be choosers, but honestly the weather the past 2 months has sucked.  Between Tornadoes, Hail, Record Heat, Humidity and Snow, all within days of each other what else can Mother Nature hit us with?  At this rate I wouldn't be surprised with snow in July.  Hopefully things will turn around so we can start enjoying the outdoors as a family especially since Mark will have 2 months off coming up in a couple weeks!!

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