Tuesday, June 14, 2011

7 Year Itch

It's happening, the 7 year itch!  No, not the kind you get in your marriage, it's been 7 years since Mark started on this journey of becoming a doctor and in 8 short work days he will no longer be a resident and become a full fledged MD.  Woot Woot.

3 1/2 years ago, Match Day, when we found out we'd be coming to La Crosse

I can't explain what it's like being a doctor's wife, it's one of those things that unless you experience it, it's hard to understand.  It's been almost 7 years of fully supporting my husband through this journey to make his dream a reality.  No, this isn't a pity poor me party in any sense of the word.  It's been my pleasure and privilege to be able to support my husband in order to make a better life for our family and so he can do what he loves, and therefore I can do what I love.  But, and there's a BIG But (hehe) it's been a difficult road full of challenges.
Graduation from Med School

I have currently moved twice for Mark.  Once to Milwaukee for Medical School and then again 3 years ago to La Crosse for his residency.  When he got a job here, I can only sigh my relief that I don't have to move again.  The sight of moving boxes makes me a little nauseous at this point.  Moving to a new city is tough.  You leave all your friends, your comfort zone, your family, and your home.  I had to find new jobs in each city and get readjusted.  He had an instant friends/co-worker base and I had to find my way.  He was busy with school, rotations and the like.  There were times I would cry since I was so lonely.  It also seems each time I make great friends we have to move and it starts all over again.  Thankfully, we don't have to move, but sadly some wonderful people in our lives are once again, moving on and away to their new jobs in other states.  It's one of the worst things about this profession. Along the way I've been blessed to meet some amazing people and lucky to still consider some of them my friends!

Some of my favorite people in the world we met during Medical School

Now, we have our own little family and for the first time in almost a decade, I can comfortably call somewhere home, other than Apple Valley.  We always joke that Mark makes the money and I do everything else :).  I am the CFO to his CEO and we makes things work.  I run the household, the finances, and most little things in between. His job is being the best he can be at work, and come home happy.  It's weird moving from this phase because we've been in a constant state of flux the last 7 years, never knowing what our next step would be. 
Mark's AMAZING residency class and families, I will miss them DEARLY!

I'm excited to have him around a little more, and I'm sure Alex will be too.  Putting up with 100 hour weeks and nights as an intern were difficult.  There would be 4-5 days when we'd literally see each other in passing as he came home to sleep and I went to work.  I know there are some families that do that all the time and I don't know how they make it work, but I commend them.  Having him on call and gone that first year was tough, and some months were better than others.  Now, it'll be a new schedule and a new adjustment, but we will make it work, we always do.  This time however it's different. 

Our family + Alex's friend Elly

So here's to the next step in our journey.  I am so proud of my husband and what he's accomplished and hope the next 11 years are as happy and eventful as the last 11 we've been together.

1 comment:

  1. what big sacrifices you two have made together! and, how great that you've finally reached that light at the end of the tunnel! congrats to your husband on the real deal, and congrats to you for making it through it! :) it's not easy playing the single mama role. i'm able to do it knowing that it's what's best for my family in the long run. you're a strong woman!
