Saturday, May 21, 2011

There's no such thing as a bad hair day

The first thing everybody almost always says when they see Alexis is, "Wow, she has a lot of hair!" Yes, yes she does and that rooster feathering, hair every where, look works for her.  There's that old wives tale that says if you have bad heartburn when you're pregnant your child will have lots of hair, well I did, and she does.  I carried Zantac in my purse and popped them like tic-tacs.  She came out with this full bounty of beautiful dark hair.

Alex after her first bath at home

Alex post bath on 5/3

The only time Alex's hair is quasi tame is right after her bath, like on the right.  That's as tame as it's getting. I think she loses some on that Oomph, but I still think she's precious.
I think her hair reflects her personality most days.  Most of the time, it's a little crazy, kind of loud, super adorable, and very quirky.  I think she got the best of both worlds personally.  What I think I'm most surprised about is how light it seems to be getting, especially now that we're starting to get out in the sun more.  Both Mark and I have very thick hair, and God forbid she gets my husbands indoor outdoor carpet hair as we call it :) (sorry honey).  I'm a little sad since she has that ever so present bald spot on the back of her head.  I know it'll grow back, but for right now I'm thinking of doing the Gene Keady comb-over.

Going a bit bald, but look that the huge wall of hair sticking up

As she gets bigger and it gets longer, it's starting to fall a little bit and lose some of that spiky awesomeness.  I love her hair, and she's a lucky girl that she has these natural auburn highlights in her hair, especially on the tips.  In the peak of summer I'm excited to see how it looks.  I've also discovered bows, ribbons, and flowers.  Poor child.  I'm always putting things in her hair and thankfully at this phase in her life, she's really to little to care.  She's way more interested in putting her hands in her mouth then pulling things out of her hair, although I'm sure that will change sooner than later.

 She has started pulling her hair which has got to hurt since she has a crazy grip.  She's also discovered mommy's hair, which is not all that much fun.  With the weather finally getting nice, we've been spending time outside, but that means hats, which is funny, since she looks like a different kid with a hat on.  For now, I love her crazy never laying down spiky hair.  Eventually it'll get longer and the rooster do will be replaces with piggies and pony tails, if she'll sit long enough to let me.  She's already a mover and a shaker.

Outside enjoying the weather in her little hat

How can you not love this Zoolander look!

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