Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I know I know!  I have complained about teething to the nth degree.  However, this is a really tough stage for both Alex and us, and although we're surviving, this is going to be a loooooong process.  It's amazing what the human body is capable of, but I have to admit that this is one of life's mini cruel jokes.

Alex had a diaper rash due to teething, so we were having some semi-naked baby time :)
 The thought of really sharp teeth coming up through the gums is painful! The poor gums are swollen and it just looks like it hurts.  However, she is now the owner of 2 little toofers and it's so darn adorable.  I thought there may have been a 3rd one but it has yet to be seen.  It's hard to get a look most days because trying to look in her mouth is a series of pinning her down and trying to get her mouth open while she tries desperatley to get away as quickly as possible.  She's a squimy little machine.  When you finally get her mouth open she has taken to sticking out her tongue and spitting, hurray, so all you get is spit and tongue and not one good look at the gums or teeth.  Not to mention the fun diaper rash that came with teething.  Luckily hers wasn't bad, but naked baby time did happen.

Playing with bowls and papa is fun
 With the bad comes the good.  Alex is now starting little finger foods and that is so much fun.  It only took a day or 2 for her to figure out chewing and using her new found sharp tools in her mouth.  Between puffs and yogurt melts she is figuring them out fast.  She's such a smart little cookie.  Watching that little pincer grasp and watching her shove a puff that is coming out of her mouth with the back of her hand is so cute.  We're still working on those fine motor skills, but she's doing really well for just starting.  With this new found freedom of eating come A LOT more baths.  She really loves bath time so it's no big deal to her, but more often than not we find a hidden puff or some kind of baby food in her hair, ear, where ever.

Hurray for getting clean

I am enjoying the new steps she's taking with eating even if there has been a small sacrifice in sleeping.  It is funny how teething affects each child differently.  Apparently it doesn't phase some kids at all.  I'd love to meet those kids, and let them teach Alex their secret.  Mostly I feel bad for her, but with the ever reliable combination of ibuprofen and tylenol we are making it work.  As most things in life you take the hits and keep getting up.  A good lesson for a baby who is a crawler and stander!

Big smiles :)

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