Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dance Dance Dance

These past two weeks have been filled with fun, stress, tears, and happiness.  It has been an emotional mini roller coaster over something that in the spectrum of life may not be a "big deal", but it has been to me at the present moment.  Leaving Alex has been very difficult for me especially on such short notice.  I had about 24 hours to figure out something right away, and then about 4 days to find something semi-permanent for at least the summer.  I kind of panicked.  I like planning, lists, researching options.  I am not a great fly by the seat of your pants type person when it comes to my child.  Am I overprotective, yes.  Am I a little high strung, definitely!  But do I just want what is best for Alexis, of course.  It doesn't help that I've had her all to myself for 7 1/2 months, and her me.

Such a big girl - 8 months already!

Things have obviously worked out and we have a good situation for us.  We are lucky to know people who love kids and are willing to watch Alex at our house, and for now that's perfect, especially since practice is usually only 2 hours or so, plus travel times I'm usually only gone 2 1/2 to 3 hours.  The transition to being a coach has actually been the easy part for me.  It's like an old pair of shoes you slip on.  It takes a second to reaquaint yourself and then it's not a problem.

This is a look I get quite often

Although the last 2 weeks have been exhausting, it has also been very rewarding.  When school starts we'll have more of a schedule.  Summer is nuts with two-a-day practices, and getting ready for the first game.  After getting over the initial guilt of leaving Alex, I found that it has re-energized me in such a positive way.  I'm only gone for a little bit and I get the rest of the day with her.  It gets me out of the house, talking to adults (well at least bigger people) and doing things I love, teaching and dancing.  Then I get to come home and devote the rest of my time and attention to Alex.  I'm a happier mama, and she gets a better me in the long run.

Me and Alex

There are obviously days that are tougher than others, especially now with her teething and being sick.  I hate leaving her, but I know she's in good hands, so I don't worry too much.  I also have some rough days at practice, but those are made so much better by coming home and being able to snuggle with my baby.  I think once a balance is found, this will be a great decision for me and my family.  It makes things a bit more challenging at times, and we're finding out ways to work out the kinks, but we will make it work.  I have a wonderfully supportive husband who will do what he needs to make this work for all of us.  I am also blessed to have a squad of 18 very energetic teenagers, who are giving me a different perspective and keeping me young. 

The Onalaska Dance Team at our first football game
Although my time has been stretched since I jumped into this pretty much blindfolded with an arm tied behind my back, once I get settled, it will all calm down and we'll find a rhythm both at home and with the team.  For now we're making it work, and I'm tired, but happy.  Balance is key, so it's a good thing I'm a dancer :)

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