Thursday, August 11, 2011

Control Freak

Ok.  I admit it, I am a totally control freak.  I like being in control and when I'm not it puts me in a bad mood.  Like majorly sour, what's up her ($%* type mood.  I think that's why I'm struggling so much with this childcare thing.

In my head I had it all figured out.  I'd stay at home with Alex, teach her things that I want her to learn, raise her until it's time for her to go off to school, then get a mommy job (i.e. a job during school hours).  Then this AMAZING opportunity falls into my lap, almost literally.  I run into a family friend and a Mediterranean Festival held in La Crosse.  She tells me that Onalaska just lost their coach and I should apply.  Side note, her daughter knows Mark and I and knows I used to dance and have coached before.  The job isn't being posted yet as they are keeping it within the district for now, but I should throw my name in, so I do.

I love this picture by Sarah Schultz, such a nice family pic

Two weeks later, I go in for the interview Tuesday 8:00 am.  They say they're doing interviews all morning and they hope to pick someone by the end of the week.  4 hours later, and I get a message.  "Robyn, we loved you, we want you to be our new Dance coach, and we want you to start tomorrow."  Gulp.  HOLY COW!  What?  Cue me jumping up and down, air punches galore and supreme shock on my face.  I seriously did not think I'd get this job.  This is an established program with GREAT dancers, a ridiculously supportive community who loves the arts, in a city Mark just got a job in, and the ONLY job I would have ever considered taking, seriously, there would have been nothing else I would have given up time with Alex for.

My precious baby

Fast forward 24 hours.  Panic and sheer guilt set in.  I have to find someone to watch Alex during practices, which means finding someone 3 hours a day, plus the additional burden of having babysitters on call.  With Mark doing OB, and me having to do games and competitions, we suddenly need a pluthera of potential babysitters to help last min.  I have no time, and need to trust someone to watch my baby.  I haven't had time to research, to do interviews, ask questions, and the meltdown begins.  I don't have control of this situation yet and that makes me panic a little.  Mom calls to offer advice, and I break down.  Like mom's do, she tells me she's proud of me, here are some options, and it'll all work out :).

Now, at least for the next couple of weeks we have it figured out.  Between a family friend, and a friend of mine whom I trust dearly, we have Alex figured out at least until school starts.  From there, hopefully we'll find a good option, but at least I have a couple of weeks to get things set.  It's so so so so hard to give up time with Alex and trust her care to someone else, and to give up that control.  However, I think this will be so good for all of us.  It gets me out of a the house a few hours doing something I love, and I still get to be with my baby most of every day.  I just need to find a good balance, but I think we can make it happen.


  1. Congrats on the job!! I know all too well how hard it is to give up time with your baby and trust someone else to care for them. But, it really is good for her AND you! I honestly think having time to do something you love in turn makes you be a better Mommy because you really cherish the time you get to spend with your baby. It's good for her to begin to trust people other than you, your hubby and close family. Good luck with finding more permanent care and have fun doing something else you love, besides being a Mommy :)

  2. good luck, robyn! i'm not gonna pretend i know what this is like because i have no idea! but, i will say that doing something you love will be great, and hopefully not feel like a j-o-b. and by the way, these pictures are beautiful! and congrats on what seems like the perfect fit!

  3. Thanks Ladies. It's difficult leaving Alex at all, but I'm really excited about this opportunity. When Alex gets bigger I'm sure this will be a neat thing her mama does. Until then we'll just make it work :)
