Friday, April 29, 2011

Sorry the Easter Bunny is sick

Our first family Easter.  It sounds so great when you say it.  Honestly though, Alex is too young to enjoy holidays yet.  Easter means no more to her than any other day except mommy puts her in goofy rabbit footies and there are bright new toys to look at and try to stick in her mouth.  Not to mention the cute bunny tail, so adorable.  In any case, right now holidays are more for us than her.  Having said that, this Easter was a bit different.

It was supposed to be Easter at the In-laws.  Instead, my 4 year old niece came down with the flu. We're talking throwing up, diarrhea, haven't eaten for two days and are a wet noodle flu.  Obviously, we didn't want to get it and especially not expose my 4 month old to those bugs.  It was decided that Easter would be moved to our place.  Uh, ok.  So off I went to the store to get nice placemats and cloth napkins to match our wedding china which we pulled out, and it looked very nice.  Still I was paranoid.  People were going to come in shifts with someone staying behind with the Sick Rylee, who by the way ADORES her cousin :)

Rylee and Alex having a conversation
In any case, people came in and out the whole time, and me making people wash their hands for the millionth time before they touched my daughter.  I'm sorry, I don't care how many times you've washed your hands, you want to touch the baby after being in the flu infested zone for 2 days you'll wash your hands again!  In any case, after the whole day of people coming in out, my stress hoping no one gave her the bug, by 6:30 we were all exhausted and done.  Hindsight says no one should have come over and we should have had a quiet Easter just the three of us, but oh well, that what we do for family right? We did have some entertaining moments, especially with that flower headband :)

Yes, my husband is so pretty in that flower headband

Easter gone wild! Alex decided to show of that adorable belly
I understand that as she gets older, holidays will have more significance as she can participate and yes, as her first Easter it was special.  A special thanks to my mom who made, yes made from scratch that lovely pink and purple basket you see above, dying the reeds and all. 


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