Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stay at Home Mom

I always had this vision of what a stay at home mom was, and honestly, I wasn't what I pictured.  I am driven, extremely type A, and like working.  I'm a project person, someone who likes to make lists, and check things off of them.  I didn't think I'd be happy staying at home with a kid.  Who knew that all of those things are easily translatable to being a stay at home mom.  I also had no idea it be one of the hardest things I've ever done, but who wouldn't want to stay home with this face :).  

I think staying at home with your kids is a wonderful gift if you're able to do it, but there are days when I think, man, going to work would be so much easier.  You get out of the house, get to talk to adults, and have a sense of accomplishment.  It's more difficult with a kid, because you don't get immediate results, which is something I'm used to getting.  Even though you know you're not the only one, there are times you feel so alone despite thousands of women doing the same thing you are.  However I get a giggle, smile, and get to watch all of these amazing milestones with my adorable little peanut, drooling and all.

Will anyone read this Blog?  I have no idea.  If nothing else, I think this is a great outlet for me to express some of those feeling that are easier said in print.  I was also inspired by none other then some facebook friends and their blogs (Annie, Erin, Stacy and Erica whose blogs I regularly follow).  I realized that all of us have a voice, and they're all different, and although each of us is experience something similar, everyone's journey is just a bit different and imteresting in itself.  So here's the first of hopefully many to come.



  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!! You're gonna love it :)

  2. Yay!!! The best part about blogging is looking back a couple years down the road! Glad you joined the club!!! Now we can see even more of sweet Alex!! :)

  3. WELCOME! We're all linked because we're mamas to beautiful babes, but yes, our stories do differ here and there. I agree - being a SAHM is tough and challenging and very unappreciated by your employer (i.e. Alex!), but hopefully, you will find your way, your rhythm and enjoy it.

  4. Love the blog! It's fun to all share experiences in motherhood!
