Monday, December 12, 2011

Tis the season to be.....sick

After my dismal showing of blogs in November, I told myself to be more vigilant in December.  Well, whoops, not going great so far.  We're over 1/3  of the way through December and here's post number 1, but I swear I have a good excuse, and her name is Alex :)

How do you not want to smooch that face?

I will fully admit that last week was one of the scariest things to go through as a first time mom.  Alex, struggling to breath, seeing her striated breathing kind of freaked me out.  She was having a hard time and it breaks your heart to see your kid in any pain, but there's a strange kind of internal panic that happens when you can see they aren't breathing easily.  I mean there are a lot of things you can fix, but breathing?  We took her in to the ER, hooked her up to a monitor, and instead of us waiting in a side room, they took us right back to one of the emergency rooms, which told me it was a good thing we brought her in.  Her pulse ox was low and when they listened to her lungs she wasn't moving much air (which at that point I was like duh, and DO SOMETHING).

It's funny how everyone says, "Well it's a good thing your husband is a doctor."  I do agree, but there's nothing he can do at home for her.  We had to take her to the ER where she got very good care (from a doctor that my husband liked and knew, and whom he trusted, which makes it easier).  She got a shot of steroids, in which I fully admit, I stepped out of the room and let Mark and a nurse hold her down :(.  Then two nebulizer treatments, a chest x-ray, and lots of waiting.  It was a long night, but obviously I felt much better after taking her in.  The weird thing about being a doctor's wife, is I tend to feel self conscious because I don't want to be that lady who takes her kid into the ER for a cold, and have everyone give Mark a hard time at work.  I know it's silly, but that's me.
My happy happy baby

In any case, bringing home the nebulizer, the steroids, and meds for Alex made me feel better and obviously made her feel better too.  After a couple of days she started to look and sound better, but I'm still a bit paranoid.  I know kids that get Croup can be more susceptible once they get it, but at least I know what to look for.  She's now on antibiotics for the chest, nose, gunk that just won't go away.  She is not loving all the meds, so hopefully soon we'll be done with all of it.  Then we just have to deal with her teething, which I've fully discussed in other posts, the fact that it is the bane of my existence!!  I'm hoping to get her clear of this before her 1st birthday, Christmas and all of the holiday fun yet to come.  Sick babies are the worst, all you want to do is take the pain away, but I'm sure there will be lots more to come.

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